Chain of Command Rules

I just got my rules for Chain of Command and did a quick read through and wanted to share my thoughts. The video is lengthy but certainly doesn’t cover as deep into the rules as I could get. I did however want to touch on some of the core mechanics and why they intrigue me.

My favorite aspect of the rules that I do talk about is the idea of realistic ranges. I have seen and played many games that put table restrictions on how far your weapons can fire. When talking in scale, if you limit your weapons to say 18″, depending on table scale, that is may be only 50 yards in real world terms. Well, weapons can fire much further than that.

Once I get some games under my belt, that will give me a much better idea how things will play out. I hope to post a few more videos covering some of the game elements that I enjoy in addition to the realistic ranges.  In the video I mistakenly mention that there are no special characteristics, actually, each nation get’s two.  My quick read through was not as thorough as it should have been 😦

If your looking for a new set of platoon + rules, give these a look, I think you’ll enjoy them.

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